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Hodinová dotace: 2 hodiny týdně
Studijní literatura: Mark Powel: In Company 3.0, vydavatelsví Macmillan
Stručný obsah:
Seminář je určen pro budoucí studenty ekonomie, managementu a příbuzných oborů. Zahrnuje práci s odbornou učebnicí a procvičování probíraných témat v on line pracovním sešitě. Jako doplňkové aktivity budou zařazeny rozhovory, diskuse a zvládání modelových situací, vše doplněno poslechy a sledováním videí.
Podrobný obsah:
- Business and Economics topics
- Vocabulary for the world of business
- Formal Letters and Emails in English
- Negotiating in English
- Giving presentations in English
- Data analysis
- Discussion and interpretation of financial graphs
- Reading and understanding stock markets
- Investment options
- Human Resources
These days it is widely known that people need English for business. This English course is designed for students who would like to follow a career in business, management, accountancy or economics.
The course will include the use of a text book, In Company 3.0, written by Mark Powell and published by Macmillan Press. In addition each student will have access to a personal online workbook and resource centre with everything needed for the modern business professional.
The course will also include lots of activities for using English in business situations, discussions, role plays, listening activities and videos.
Note that speaking and vocabulary will be the primary focus NOT grammar!
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